The Girl Just Lied!!
The Girl Just Lied!!

The girl just lied!
The truth she defied!!
The boy, caught in wrap!
Put back his cap!!
Went back to time!
When things between the two were in rhyme!!
How she would text at nine!
And the things would be back to fine!!
The talk till twelve!
Would put doubts in cave!!
The good night chat!
Would always be great!!
She would wait behind the park!
The boy's arrival would bring the spark!!
But things did turn!
The relations did churn!!
Of all the people!
In whole of world!!
The girl put faith in her loyal friend!
Whose loyalty was about to end!!
She framed the bo
Plotted a crispy ploy!!
And told all lies!
Murmerring like flies!!
The girl was unsure!
But she was pure!!
Still she believed her friend!
And thought to end!!
The beautiful relation outstanding!
Just coz of a creepy Misunderstanding!!
Then came the final meeting!
They both knew it was ending!!
But the boy tried with one last smile!
Asked she couldn't trust him after all this while ??
Wasn't there anything between them ?
To overcame this game!!
The answer time was there!
It all came back from the sphere!!
But then the girl just lied!
And the truth , it just got defied!!