The Ballad Of Memories
The Ballad Of Memories

The festival of lights as we all know,
The seeds of happiness we sow.
Diwali brings many happy buried memories,
That contains episodes of our life changing series.
One of them I would like to share,
The one I hope so, you can bear.
not a story of long time ago,
Let me take you through and fro.
I woke up early that day,
As Diwali was near, that's what I would say.
The aroma of sweets filled my home,
And in search for them I roam.
I found the sweets waiting for me in boxes,
Having few did not need paying of taxes.
My mouth watered for them,
My eyes glittered as a gem.
The moment was disturbed,
A girl was heard.
Her choli dull as her,
Her skin not at all fair.
The daughter of maid she was,
Thus the Society thought, she had many flaws.
Though Diwali, the festival of happiness it is said to
be by many,
Her face did not show any.
I questioned her why so,
Her answer was enough for my mind to blow.
Daughter of maid,
That was her problem said.
Everyone can celebrate, point I made,
People don't like their children with us, she said.
Have some sweets I offered,
I can't , she urged .
Poor and rich can't share she explained,
Her expression too pained.
This made me sad,
How can the world be so bad.
My mess of mind suddenly swallowed me,
It was just a dream, the thought made me glee.
But the happiness suddenly frailed,
As the aroma of sweets once again trailed.
That's when I knew,
Differences in people are accepted by very few.
victory of good over evil it is said,
But still few struggles never fade.
The bright day of Diwali opened my eyes,
To the night full of lightening lies.