The Subject Tree
The Subject Tree

Welcome to the subject tree,
Where every lesson comes for free.
Here comes history lesson,
After the French revolution the world's history took a turn.
The stories talk about challenges,
Faced by people due to other's revenges.
Next comes geography,
In which we learn about wildlife with their photography.
We have to go through maps and diagrams,
With textbooks in our palms.
Oh! Physics teacher on the floor,
With interesting theories and more.
Formulas and derivations are necessary,
But at the last moment we hurry.
Hindi is the next lecture,
Where everyone maintains a straight posture.
Hindi teacher gives प्रेरणा,
<p>की कभी भी ना डरना |
Next comes English,
We read stories that we always relish.
We read poems with interest,
The characters teach us morals the best.
Students remove your Hats!
Here comes math.
Language of lines, angles and signs,
With sums and equations in a line.
Chemistry is a subject of chemicals and compounds,
We do experiments on the ground.
Guess what, its biology,
In which we learn about botany and zoology.
Now we learn civics,
We learn how our society is in a fix.
In economics we learn about stakes,
Of our Indian states.
Every lesson comes for free,
This is the subject tree.