If You Are Feeling Lonely.
If You Are Feeling Lonely.

If you are Feeling Lonely at this hour, You should read this.
Feeling lonely and being alone are two different things, Let me tell you that
Feeling lonely is not only felt by you at this hour, there are millions of other people feeling exactly same right now, they are feeling exactly same like you,
Looking at their laptops watching same old series of drama, love or something related to relationship, but afraid to take that one step toward walking to the people and talk, Make an eye-contact, or even waking up at their clock of closeness. They have apt their mindset to one thing or the other, And most of the times it about Acceptance, They will never accept it. You feel the same, Do you?
I Feel too my dear, every time I try something new, I feel the negative vibes hit me hard through my breath and suddenly my words fail to give me the power my profile does, my eyes fail to own my sharp spark and I Fail too. yes I do. Fail. But failing should Not be an End.
It should be a beginning, A beautiful beginning starting
with strength.
My Darling World is not just a Bitter place. It has Wonderful Places, people and experiences which you are missing out because of One Brainless Thought.
Sorry to make you accept in the above lines, but it is true.
Go out in the sun, feel the warmth of one loved person, Try to accept them. Loving doesn't happen with the blink of an eye. But darling you can accept the people, their behavior, their mindset, their kinda-love.
Don't let the pressure of being into anxiety and don't start hating yourself for it, I want you to remember this:
It will all be okay. Your entire life is going to be okay. The relationships and the people who belong in your life will not leave you.
No one thinks you are a burden as you run over details a million times about things playing in your mind. You do whatever you need to, to live with this. Everyone else will learn to adapt.
Remember, you are loved. You are needed. You are cared about. And your anxiety does not define you, so don’t let it.