That’s Who I Am
That’s Who I Am

This is not about being confident
In your own skin!
Or about adoring
Your inner beauty!
I already know I’m amazingly rare
This is simply about ‘choice’.
And, so I will never be that girl
I’ve tried
Very hard
But I can’t!
And for what?
Just to please you!
I won’t be there with a perfect face!
I can’t!
Perfect isn’t real to me.
Those marks on my face
Shadows under my eyes
And not so glowy skin
Is lovely!
It’s lovely for me!
I won’t conceal them, with a concealer
I won’t even out my skin texture with a foundation
I won’t contour my nose
Won’t highlight
Not because I don’t know how to
Not because I don’t like makeup
Only because it’s my choice!
I might do it a hundred times over
And not on the hundred and fifth time!
It’s simple really,
I don’t want to please y
Not through makeup
Besides everything!
That’s just my mood elevator
It’s not that I don’t do anything for the show
Or to please others
I do, I’m a girl born into this materialistic world after all!
But don’t you dare put me in any kind of category
You want love?
You want authenticity?
You want transparency?
Well then learn!
Learn to accept nature as it is!
Accept me as I am.
I have a good sense of humor
Good taste
Good sense of style
And many other good qualities
And with a big company of people with my kind of qualities!
Feeling lucky!
I’ll be acting like a clown
The one minute and
As a shy, classic girl another minute!
That’s just my mood
No need to categorize me
As a funny girl or a girly girl
I’m a person
I have a dynamic personality!
That’s who I am.