Teacher Is A Social Doctor
Teacher Is A Social Doctor

The behavior you show
The way you teach
The system you adopt
The nature you treat
The knowledge you share
The love you shower
The affection you bestow
The dress code you follow
The message you pass
The method you address
The Faith you assure
The care you take
The career you build
The body language you have
The smile that bloom
The sincere work you do
The patience you maintain
The discipline you project
The emoticon you control
The path of life you lead
The habbit you example
The manner you preach
The thought you plant
The spirit you continue
The future you promise
The truth you say
The route you choose
The policy you suggest
The happy you feel
The satisfaction you express
The friendship heart
The word you mind
The relation you opt
The reseach you conduct
The reform you want
decides your live portrait
If positive... Admirable...adoptable
Makes you
The world's best Teacher
Wishing you all Happy Teacher's Day