Ankita Mishra

Abstract Inspirational Others


Ankita Mishra

Abstract Inspirational Others

Summer Blues

Summer Blues

1 min

Yet another summer is here

With ripe mangoes and beach craving,

But the sun will be merciless, I fear

‘Cause of climate change and global warming.

For most, it is a season for vacation,

And brings merriment of great magnitude,

But for me, it is a period of utter exertion

As I live in the tropical latitude.

As soon as summers knock,

The scorching sun makes me wonder,

“Oh, how hot will it be this year around the clock?

With the days becoming longer and longer.”

Air conditioners and refrigerators are worse

As they emit greenhouse gases,

And you’ll not stay 24/7 in your rooms, of course,

For some time, you need to get out of your houses.

So, do everyone a favor, plant more trees,

And save our Earth, our loving mother,

And don’t depend so much on air conditioning, please,

Only then can we see, in the future, a perfect and happy summer.  

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