
If I were to twist my arm backward,
My little finger would land on a scar
That runs on my back
And not miss even by an inch because
I've traced it too many times,
Both in leisure and in schedule,
To not find it blind:
Not because it boosts my insecurity
But because it is a souvenir from the time
I stood up for myself and
The elders couldn't digest it-
makes my eyes sparkle in pride;
If I were to uncover my legs,
I'd find small patches of dark
On my knee caps and I smile
Because they carry the essence
Of a
ll the adventures I had as a kid-
Adventures that cost me hospital visits at times
Yet, were crucial in shaping me;
A carved stone appears not out of blue, does it?
If I were to stand before a mirror,
Dark skin would meet my eyes
And not a skin tone where
Blushes and dimples can steal the stage;
Yet, I remind myself to no let
Jealousy override me
Because fairness lies in all skin tones
And my dark skin carries stories
Of all my summer trips and
Every day whips of this buzzing life
That I endure for the sake of my dreams.