Drithi Neeraj

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Drithi Neeraj

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Someday Will Be More Than Okay

Someday Will Be More Than Okay

1 min

They look at my face, and my heavy dark circles,

Which have enveloped my face and my pretty eyes.

They look at the pages of my diary filled with tear wrinkles,

My black days and white lies.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine," I say with a smile.

Some days are rainbows and some days are gray,

Why isn't it fine to not be fine on the gray day I have to walk the extra mile?

It's okay not to be okay at times,

Break down and cry yourself to sleep.

We've all had the crappy days and we've all done those crimes,

It'll be okay, just not today; so let the emotions out and think deep. 

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