Shiva Parvati, Epitome Of Love
Shiva Parvati, Epitome Of Love

Shiva and Parvati are epitome of true love
Dry leaves of autumn trees rustling breeze,
Melody of bird’s evening tweets.
Frogs and toads are croaking into the night,
I get peace in heart listening it.
Always people build a perception,
It is judgment of others and of own.
Nobody knows if it is truthful,
On close observation some view seems truthful
Everyone has two eyes,
No one has same view.
Likewise I have some view about love,
You may differ from me on love.
Of what the term of love is in real.
How to live is entirely personal.
Love is made only on choices,
Both, by perception, live their lives.
Giving a feeling to someone
Such a feeling is special one.
That is feeling of tenderness,
That is feeling of gentleness.
It is pure and also from heart,
It makes realisation to other heart.
It is a feeling of oneness in soul,
Two are felt oneness breaking many walls.
Shiva and Parvati are epitome of true love,
It survives from nihility to eternity, the purest one
It is metaphysical but idyllic,
It is full of bliss and contentment lyric.
They give pluperfect example,
It is to the whole universe.
Strength is so when you have so much to cry for.
One instead prefers to smile.
By both, there is sacrifice,
Own happiness is sacrificed for the other sake..