My Dear Wife With Dementia

My Dear Wife With Dementia

2 mins

I know that your eyes witnessed the stunning rainbow,

Although, those stares were a vacant gaze,

I know that your ears listened to twitters of the birds,

Although, your response was a blank retort,

I know that you got a whiff of the white jasmines next to you,

Although, I did not see you snuffle,

I know that your hands sturdily held the branch of the tree,

Although, they swayed and quivered

I know that your feet trod firmly on the stony path,

Although, they trembled and wobb


I know that your taste buds satiated on the sweet muffins,

Although, you took the time to chew and swallow,

I know that you narrated all this to me,

Although your voice was a blatant silence,

You may be clumsy and messy,

Couldn’t care less on your dwindling memory,

Today I want to confess a truth untold,

Something that I unheeded in the days bygone,

You had been my forte and will continue to be,

I love you my honeybunch, you are all I see.

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