Body-Mind Complex
Body-Mind Complex
Oh Mind, why did you separate from the Body?
I wonder how and why did you separate yourself from the body
As if you are able to be active totally independently,
Neither can the body live when you are no more active
And hence I feel you both must live being together;
You may argue that the body is almost dead without you
But you must understand your existence may depend on the body,
Because the body is like a well-equipped and intelligent vehicle
For you to carry on with your plans and premonitions;
I know you have got a never-budging commander in the ‘Ego’
Through whom you would like to dominate everyone,
And for that purpose, you always try to control the body
By creating an all-powerful and unstoppable army in the ‘Thoughts’;
You may not be knowing how intelligently the body is designed,
Which has the ability to respond and react spontaneously
To whatever stimuli the situation may create either inside or outside
And in that reaction there may not be any room for conflicts;
With built-in intelligence, the body knows how to survive
And how to protect itself against any threats either micro or macro,
But, you are there to subvert everything and mislead its existence
By imposing your never-ending, untenable and illusory demands;
>With greed, you will try to exploit the body beyond its natural ability
And with lethargy, you will try to deny it its potential activity,
With the fear of your own making, you will try to suppress it
Due to which the body may lose its normal charm and vigor;
Having indulged in the mischief and maneuver always
And rendering the body rather weak, unhealthy and fragile,
You want to punish your own commander and the army now
But because of your conditioning, you are looking for outside help;
Don’t you understand that an outsider cannot understand your state?
When you have locked yourself up the key to unlock must be with you
And with that key, you cannot punish your commander nor your army
But you can understand all your motives, misdeeds and maladies;
With this understanding, you may realize that you cannot separate
From the body where you currently dwell and derive all enjoyments
And you may also realize that your fulfillment lies ultimately
In co-operating with the intelligence of the body, which is in order;
So my dear mind, do not waste the time and effort anymore
Since no amount of time or effort is going to help you in this regard,
You must look for detaching yourself from all your past knowledge
And be choicelessly aware of the present moment by moment.