Pawn Star

Pawn Star

1 min

Lighting the cigarette

Clipping it around my lips

While the whisky waits in the glass

Like an unsettling past,

Waiting to scuffle down my throat

All at once,

I use this interlude to whiff in

Apocalypse from cigarettes after sex-

Harvesting twinges from the centre of my chest

And burying it somewhere on its left,

All by itself, all at once.

It's not so shady bar, 

Just for their choice of music,

Enough to hold my thoughts

Like the whisky in the glass...

I still dread to sip.

Without further ado, I take a huge gulp

Inflaming my throat, 

Pouring down the grudges of let

ting others down

Where malice and Sordid intentions held strong

Twisted with the rocks of deceit

Decorated with a smile like the lemon slice on the glass

While genuinely and empathy rested on the side

Soberly like soda...

I always liked my whisky neat and large.

That I earned from pawning my soul,

In the truths of this chess called life

Where everything you own today

Equates to 

How badly you wanted to have it in the past,

Where everything is black and white

Until your chances of losing are greyed out.

Sometimes to stand tall like a king

You have to check your moves

And mate with your enemies.

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