Nostalgia And Perception
Nostalgia And Perception

One day my books asked me,
" do you love me anymore? "
I was shocked but I answered,
"yes, of course!
But why are you in doubt and not so sure? "
"Nothing! ", they said
& turned their backs to me,
This much anger of theirs
I've never ever seen.
But somewhat I gathered courage
And I further asked,
"what happened, dear? "
"Nothing!", They yelled at me
And I ran out from there
Being very much feared.
The whole day
They didn't let me touch them
I was feeling too sad
Sitting beside the window,
When through it
A gush of cool wind came.
That breeze I inhaled,
Being the sign of raining
Briskened my mind;
Then it rained
And the tiny droplets sprinkled on my face,
Filling me with tranquility
Making me leave all my gloom behind.
"that's why I'm angry! "
I heard a voice,
And turned around
Wondering who would it be
And there they were, my books
It was their noise.
"you don't love me anymore
Rather you love those rains
And I hate you for this! "
Angrily they said.
"upon their arrival
You always keep us aside
And god knows
On which nostalgic vehicle
You go on a ride!"
Hearing this I said
Getting very much overwhelmed,
"but I keep you away from the rains
Because I don't want you
To get harmed,
And I make sure
Your beautiful page
Don't ever get damp.
The smell of rains
Are fascinating, that's obvious
For they take me to
An imaginative past
I wished to experience;
But when I take in your smell,
You take me along with you
To a whole new world
With plethora of joyous experiences!
You both are never
Distinguished by me,
Because being drenched
By both of you
I never feel sad but happy!
The rains smell of diversity
Being a mixture of the waters
Of seas, lakes and maybe even some drains;
But all enjoy it
Without getting it filter strained.
How amusing it is
Between each and every thing
The people who distinguish
Every and then,
They're unable to do it
When it comes to rain.
And you, my dear!
You smell of a new perspective
Of each and every thing
And a whole lot of emotions;
You carry within you a great change
That's capable of erasing
The crazy old notions.
You smell of preservation
Of things which
In the race of modernity,
Were left behind;
That's what makes me love you
You're sometimes arrogant
But then you're too kind. "
Listening to me
Both the books and raindrops smiled
And they got over themselves
A reddish pink hue;
Seeing them blushing
I filled with joy
And shouted at the top of my voice,
"I love you! "