My Magical Night
My Magical Night

I had a garden
At the back of my house
I had often sat there
And looked up at the clouds.
One night I could not sleep
I looked out the window
And saw the most beautiful
The thing I could ever know.
My garden was shimmering
With silver lights
I watched in awe
And assuming they were fireflies.
Pulled on a jacket
As it was a cold night
Walked down the stairs
Hiding my fright.
As I got closer
Realised they were not lights
But little fairies zooming
It was their first flight.
I watched in wonder
As they “woo hoo ed” in
their soft voices
I decided to keep quiet
And listened to their pleasant noises.
They danced around
And floated like clouds
They looked like shiny dandelions
Because of their gowns.
In the silvery moonlight
They glowed like a pearl
I wished I was a fairy
When I watched them twirl.
Soon there were rubbing eyes,
Wails and yawns
I realised it was their time to sleep
As it was already dawn.
They slept on my pretty flower
And my magical adventure was over.
I do not think I would be this delighted
If I found a four-leaved clover.