Hasmukh Amathalal



Hasmukh Amathalal




1 min



The Hindu mythology is full of stories

About natural objects

Their importance is always reflected in public mood

The tradition is surely understood


The sun may tilt towards north

The seas may start changing henceforth

The rays may straighten and days shall remain warm

It is natural cycle or an arm


May be it is centuries old tradition

Where kiting has become fashion

Whole of the population go up on roof

The kites shall be seen all over as proof


The bird lo

vers are worried

Many birds fall victims and carried

To nearby cure center

They are offered medical assistance


Scootorists and normal people also get hurt

The thread is boiled with glass power and it cuts

The throat when come in contact at high speed

Many people fall victims today and are seen dead


Many people take vows not to kite

On the contrary they go for religious rites

They offer charity to animals

Go for holy bath in river and offer hymns


Uttarayan :- Tilting of Sun to north  


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