A Poem To India's Soldiers
A Poem To India's Soldiers
I salute the valiant soldier,
Who survives the extreme cold,
To protect his beloved homeland from the enemy,
He faces death, unflinching and bold,
I cannot stop the tears in my eyes,
To read of the mother who lost her son,
Of the wife who lost her husband, a sister who lost her brother,
For he was their only one,
And yet he bids them farewell, marching on bravely,
Though his heart is torn,
Sacrificing the love of his mother,
To save his motherland, he has sworn,
olor: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Take a moment to remember them,
Shed a tear for those who shed their blood for you,
Even at this moment, as you read these words,
They stand fighting to safeguard you,
Look beyond the shallow words of low politicians,
Stand strong for the soldier's valour,
Who takes pride in breathing his last fighting for the nation,
And return wrapped in the silk of the Tricolour,
Rise, unite, and show the world,
That nothing can tear our motherland apart,
Patriotism is the mad love of one's country,
Let it stay ignited forever in your heart!