Kirti Sharma

Classics Fantasy Inspirational


Kirti Sharma

Classics Fantasy Inspirational



2 mins

Last night I had a dream, I was with the soul of my role model, 

And I found out I have grown so much to be more of him than he actually was,

I was indignant and discombobulated while basking in this dark eidolon,

I've been misled by my own lousy and ignorant self, 

I had assassinated the true me while trying to idolize a hoax, 

I've spent my life living under the scrutiny of his opinions, 

My cause has been put in a comatose and forgotten a long time ago, 

Everything I have ever did was based on the philosophy of my idol, 

I was so prepared to die for something that was more clearer in the moon light than in the brightness of the sun, 

Even if I had everything to live for, 

Why do I feel so lost all of a sudden? Who should I look up to, 

A man's will is stronger when he follows his heart, but the heart does not lead it follows,

So my message to a Mentee is seeing is believing, but seeing can also be deceiving,

accept and find happiness in whatever you're living for but know and understand what you're ready to die for,

Look with your eyes but see with your heart, talk with your mouth but always speak from your heart, 

Wishing you were someone else is a total waste of who you truly are, 

Sometimes every special thing we see in others are just reflection of our special ability to see people in such a way like that,

Our will is our only true mentor,

Follow it and you'll be on the right cause.

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