So, it's better to march, Along with the clock So, it's better to march, Along with the clock
Mom....the word in which everything resides My guide. Mom....the word in which everything resides My guide...
Everyday you greet your students, with a smile upon your face; Despite the hustle and bustle of y... Everyday you greet your students, with a smile upon your face; Despite the hu...
How to fight with problems, this we learn from nature... But, people can't understand the importa... How to fight with problems, this we learn from nature... But, people can't un...
There is one more brother whose presence has taught me minute things of life, There is one more brother whose presence has taught me minute things of life,
The poetess has tried to appreciate her inner voice for guiding her all along The poetess has tried to appreciate her inner voice for guiding her all along