Mam Or Mom
Mam Or Mom

She is incredible, beyond her supremacy
Sometimes she gets blown away beyond her stubbornness
Risen by her weaker element but has a bigger faith in hoping for the strongest
Often gets intimidated on her timidity
She gets along with all and sometimes very well
She runs for the errands to avoid errors
She read to teach the unraveled
She conflicted for a cause,yet comforted with a conviction
She widens her vision for the eyes of all and gets notices on the traces of unnoticed traversed mystery
She let go of the things that doesn’t fit her palms,neither we let her go out of our hands as well
We need her for all our needs, despite we ought to forget the deeds done by her
We see her but fail to notice
We could hear but rarely responded
She could tolerate all the nuisance of ours, but not even her noise is acknowledged
If she is a good mam for her colleagues, she is even a better mom for us
If all we need is her deed, it is even more appreciable to recognize ourselves a weed to this society