Sampurna Samanta

Drama Romance Others


Sampurna Samanta

Drama Romance Others



2 mins

In the tapestry of life, love weaves its thread,

With colors diverse, no boundaries to tread,

In the language of hearts, a message clear,

Love is love, embracing all, far and near.

From the dawn's first light to the twilight's hue,

Love's spectrum shines in a radiant view,

It knows no gender, no limits, no name,

A universal force, an eternal flame.

In the warmth of a touch, two souls collide,

In the grace of a smile, love's truth is implied,

For love is love, no matter the face,

A celebration of beauty, a boundless embrace.

In the whispers of lovers, their hearts unite,

In the laughter of friends, a shared delight,

For love is love, an unwavering song,

In its harmonies, we all belong.

Through the trials of life, love will prevail,


the face of adversity, it will sail,

For love is love, a beacon of light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

In the kindness we show, the empathy we share,

In the willingness to listen and deeply care,

Love is love, in compassion's embrace,

A healing balm for the human race.

In the family we choose, the bonds we create,

Love's fierce devotion, it will dictate,

For love is love, in the chosen kin,

A connection that no walls can pin.

In the courage to stand, hand in hand,

Against prejudice and judgments so bland,

For love is love, a battle cry,

In its strength, we'll unify.

So let us celebrate love in every form,

In its freedom, let our hearts transform,

For love is love, a resounding call,

To embrace each other, one and all.

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