Tanmayi Arora

Classics Others


Tanmayi Arora

Classics Others

Love For Godhead

Love For Godhead

2 mins

We are the fallen souls

Who took birth with their own roles

We entered the trap of illusion 

False egos and the cumbersome delusion

We are taught the wrong definition of love

Until we realize the eternal love all above

The road is not easy as they say

We should not lose hope, come what may

The heavy layers of fear and attachments

Emerge in us from past life remnants

We often crave love from the hollow shells

Forgetting that we all are made of the same cells

Our hearts break when needs remain unrequited

We feel helpless when it is not reciprocated

Then comes a ray of hope when god appears

He comes and wipes all your tears

He fills our void with bliss and happiness

He holds our hands and takes us out of the mess

We understand what eternal love is 

We release attachments from the material abyss

As the love for the Lord increases

Our material desire stops and ceases

We feel satisfied with the inner peace

The name of the Lord gives you a calming breeze

The eternal bond is thus formed 

The holy deeds are thus earned

To please Godhead becomes our priority

We forget the rest and release the ambiguity

Devotion become

s the way to show love

The yearning to see him enhances all above

The pain and the separation rises

Obstacles arrive as the holy dices

We learn patience and perseverance

We change internally and in appearance

Self-love might take a backseat sometimes

We cry for the lord and sing holy rhymes

Sometimes we dance, sometimes we pray

The divine abode is our ultimate way

Lord cleanse our consciousness as we proceed

He embraces us like a little seed

We are a part of him since our soul is born

He is our father whom we have forlorn

Remember and surrender unto him

To clear the past karmas in a whim

To break the cycles of birth and death

O devotee, double up the devotion and faith

Call him with all your heart and soul

He is there to refrain us from the fall

Hear about him and chant his name

Forget all that is false and lame!!!

He is your ultimate savior, O soul

Keep up your faith whenever you may fall

Tell him all your problems and grief

He can be pleased with a little leaf

He joins you in the battlefield

He becomes your best friend and shied

O soul, choose him as your companion

Get his holy love and divine protection

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