Dark Night Of The Soul
Dark Night Of The Soul

I waited for spring to arrive
Never knew about my inner drive
I waited for the happiest day
That would take my worries away
I passed the days in the wait
Maybe destiny would open a gate
A day when all my worries fade
When I would crossover a cascade
But little did I know
I was melting the snow
The illusions soon faded
My heart suddenly shredded
I was awakened from the illusion
I went into a holy seclusion
All the old beliefs soon shattered
My false ego was harshly tattered
I did not fit into the old dress
All I wanted was a holy caress
I resisted and fought the changes
I wa
s still given innumerable chances
God was kind enough to me
He gifted me a new me
He showered his causeless mercy
I could now feel and foresee
Still, my old self called me lovingly
I succumbed to it cunningly
This didn't work for longer
I slowly became much stronger
The old ways have to change
A new me has to break the cage
More dark nights one goes through
The more the soul evolves and grow
The dark night is the time to peep in
It sheds the dark cloud of sin
The soul cleanses and purifies
It is truly a blessing in disguise!!!