The Rising Sun
The Rising Sun
The sun of our life might be dawning
No wonder he is always yawning
Might get bored of all the successes
He waits for the dull abysses
The crown adorned his head
Might itch him sometimes
He too waits for the clouds
To hide him amongst a foggy bed
He is always fumed with aggression
He feels proud of his achievements
Sometimes it all seems dull
Why should only joy be the expression?
Sun of life wants to struggle
To feel the showers of rain
They compliment him
As he feels the calm snuggle
In this way he isolates himself
To humble himself in a dark cloud
Otherwise, he would never set
And allow the moon to be loud
Clouds and moon show their power
They do not feel neglected in sl
The sun raises the authority sometimes
And sneaks amongst the darkest cloud
The sun and moon being the opposites
Gives warmth and calmness to one another
The sun of life reflects the same symphony
If there is no emotional chaos
How will be life without monotony?
The sun and moon come and go
Never can we see them all along
One is rage, and the other is pride
One is sage and the other sets to fight
Both are necessary to create a balance
One gives light, other deletes the darkness
One nurture, other stays at a distance
One is humble, the other teaches us to wait
Life goes on with the two in bliss
Sometimes misery is a kind flinch
The yin and yang of life take turns
It is only good karma that one earns!!!