Mahak Chowdhury



Mahak Chowdhury


When We Talk About Suicide

When We Talk About Suicide

2 mins

We think suicide is a good way to

Escape this place.

We think suicide is a good way to

Unburden the pains.

But, when we talk about suicide,

It not about ending your life.

It’s about keeping your mind bound

In the darkness of this plight.

When we talk about suicide,

It’s not about jumping alone and dying.

It’s about dying with all those who believed in you

When you said,

” I am okay”

When we talk about suicide,

It’s not just your fight.

It’s about the million others,

Who escaped this dynamite.

We have come into a time,

When we commit this crime

On things that are not worth a dime.

We think its just moments of time

And a faster way to end our life.

But we do not realize the impact on others,

Who we leave behind.

We say our marks we

re not right,

Therefore, we took an overdose

And tried to end our lives.

But our understanding is frail.

We don’t understand that there are a million others

Who are a part of this game of life and death

Who have problems worse than ours

But still, manage to continue with a smile on their face.

When we talk about suicide,

It’s about being a coward,

In your own race of life.

It’s just like escaping a battleground,

Before midnight even strikes.

When we talk about suicide,

It’s not about the blades and blood on wrists.

It’s about the sadness that drowned us,

in the midst of this madness.

If people like us

Don’t lose hope in the last over of a cricket match.

Then why do we lose hope in the overs of our life?

So, let’s create a time,

When we don’t have to talk about suicide.

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