Riya Antony



Riya Antony


Nos Creare (Lt We Create)

Nos Creare (Lt We Create)

2 mins

Let the tears fall,

Let the sweat trickle down my face,

The world makes no sense to me,

And I let go of the things I used to chase,

For now, I come to see

That everything's just an illusion.

The world is just an illusion,

Crafted from everyone's confusion,

We seek the truth no more

We don't know what's real,

Our eyes only see an irony

And we come to believe in what's surreal.

Fantasy is just a game,

That our mind plays to forget the name


By escaping from it we lose ourselves

And there's just no clarity

No matter the camera

Our eyes only see what we believe in

Reality is what we need to experience from within.

There's no perfect hero, no perfect love

There's only the now

And what we do with it,

Will you feel or will you see?

You can't do both

You can only choose

Fantasy or Reality?

Most choose the easy escape

To go into a world where everything's perfect

Better than the world we live in,

Where people have special powers

And we wish to recreate such a world 

But it's just impossible to reflect.

Why aren't we happy with this world?

Why do we need wizards and witches,


and superheroes?

Why can't we just be human,

And avoid being inhumane

Towards each other 

And try to make this world a better place

For you and me?

We make the world

And if each one of us isn't trying to make our own illusion

Then what's the point of drowning in confusion?

Let's not be fooled by fantasy,

By impractical romance 

And a saving-the-world performance, 

Let us look at each other

And forget beauty and perfection

And a world we don't need to live in,

Then it all comes down to the present 

Where there is what we need to do

Which is far more important 

Than where we need to be,

We are here,

And we will be now

Unless you want to escape,

Then reality will chase you.

Why can't we just be human,

And avoid being inhumane

Towards each other 

And try to make this world a better place

For you and me?

And there's no perfect hero, no perfect love

There's only the now

And what we do with it,

Will you feel or will you see?

You can't do both

You can only choose

Fantasy or Reality?

We can create the world 

what we believe in.

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