Abubakkar's Zone



Abubakkar's Zone


So This Is What You Say!

So This Is What You Say!

2 mins

This is not a ballad ain't a play

Don't drop your tears to make someone stay

"I could not find some other way"

So this is what you say!

Think for those pairs of hardworking hands

Who didn't care for their blood and sweat

"Let's take them for granted one more day"

So this is what you say!

You will blink your eye

Meanwhile passed a lot of time

Brittle bones and hairs turned grey

Respect your parents today

Or What you gonna do when your kid will betray!

See your Life from a different sight

Your unlit thoughts will surely enlight

"But I ain't worth those sunrays"

So this is what you say!

Neither I care nor I'm about to make you all realize

Who am I to you that I'll criticize

Reading so far you collided with many questions

"I can't take it anymore and I'm running away"

So this is what you say!

There comes a corner where we all beg for love

Remember A

lmighty is our only constant on the land or above

" I still can't put my desperate away"

So this is what you say!

Don't chase the money it could not buy your ambitions

The secret of every billionaire is they look for the right time and hence right becomes their decisions

"But currency can only help me Slay!"

So this is what you say!

A heavenly body in you! Mostly called a vestigial or sometimes your heart

Make your life wonderful just listening to it and keep your brain apart

"Defeating your heart the brain ruining stay"

So this is what you say!

Life isn't short, people delay to live in the correct way

Make it a remarkable one and leave your array

"What we've brought with us and what we will take away"

So this is what you say!

Bare your attitude and make lively everyday

God really bless the one who made an effort to Pray

"Yes I'll make my parents proud"

So this is what you have to say!

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