Life Is All About
Life Is All About

Life is not about: marrying a beautiful one,
Having four-five children.
Coming home late at night,
With your wife, then you fight.
Life is all about: understanding your wife,
Leading a happy life.
Having children, just a pair,
Taking their proper care.
Life is not about: eating junk food every day,
Exercise is not your way.
The body is your only wealth,
You are playing with your health.
Life is all about: exercise daily done,
Healthy body number one.
Handsome you want to be,
Healthy food is the key.
Life is not about: working hard, making money in lots,
Investing it in shares and plots.
You are alone at the end of the road,
Son and daughter settled abroad.
Life is all about: making yourself rich but helping the needy,
Earn your money but don’t be greedy.
Love your family, have a bond so strong,
Your son and daughter know where they belong.
Life is not about: having a picnic on the bank of a river,
Leaving the garbage and dumping the sewer.
Cutting the tree to make a bonfire,
Drinking and dancing, unt
il you tire.
Life is all about: planting the trees for environment clean,
Avoid any pollution, don’t be mean.
Making trips to clean plastics from the hills,
Nurture the trees and stick no bills.
Life is not about: shivering with your enemy’s fear,
Letting him conquer your country dear.
Letting the traitors succeed in their plan,
Sitting idle, not doing what you can.
Life is all about: saving your country and fighting like a lion,
All have this duty, yours or mine.
Defeating your enemy with the covert operation,
If need be, giving life for the nation.
Life is not about: wasting your time seeing tv all day,
Debates and discussions, serial and play.
Arguing with friends on WhatsApp and twitter,
Making your relations from good to bitter.
Life is all about: doing something good, for the nation,
Taking the help of friends and all your relations.
Unity is strength, this all we have heard,
Make our India on the top of this world.
Life is not about: letting water flow from the open taps,
Rainy season, and no water traps.
Water level is going down,
Scarcity of water will be the talk of the town.
Life is all about: harvest the water, in the rains,
Avoid wasting water taking small little pains.
Always doing water conservation,
In the long run, it will help the nation.
Life is not about: having good all day,
You will have some bad on the way.
If you are selfish, hatred will spread,
All your goodness will be dead.
Life is all about: for a peaceful future, you should have a vision,
Don’t fight each other on race and religion.
There should be respect for everyone,
Truth is that God is one.