We make them
And we forget them,
Sometimes we care for them
But sometimes we regret them
Recalling our memories
Is like unwrapping a box of chocolate
You never get satisfied with it
Once the box is opened
How much ever you
Try to forget them
The stronger they try and stay
With you till the very end
Some memories,
When made are nicely
And happily carved with perfection
The way a potter carves his pot
But breaks into pieces if
Left undone
Sometimes memories are
Like an unsolved math problem
Tricky in the start but
Seems impossible even if you
Try hard
You feel the grief
When left alone
Recalling the time spent together
But wh
at can you if
Harry Potter's not true
Or you could simply expel
The memories that hurt you,
That trouble you
Whatever happens
Even though you have nothing
With you, you still have your memories
Following you,
Not the one that give you grief
But the the one's that give you
Happiness, that give you motivation
To accomplish, to establish and to achieve
There's just one thing
We should never forget
That memory is a complicated game
That makes you regret so learn to forget
And learn to avoid the past that may
Ruin your future
Make fresh starts with
Fresh motivation,
Live your life on your own terms
And make good memories
That lasts for life long