A faint white ray that shone,
It felt familiarly unknown,
For all it felt was calm and quiet,
which is what I haven't known.
A faint blue ray that glimmered,
I didn't know it was my heart that shimmered,
For it felt at home,
And yet away for reason a reason not known
A faint purple that paced,
I didn't know it was feelings that raced,
For they knew their destination,
And yet they were still lost
A faint red light that bled,
It was a grudge that fed,
For it felt satisfied,
And yet not satisfied
It was just a ray,
That peeped through the curtain,
Even when I was not certain,
It was making me feel the feelings
That need to be felt,
Of reassuring me of a presence,
That need not be felt,
And of all the things that are needed and not,
That ray of light is needed the most