We Are Women
We Are Women

Fragile than a flower,
Stronger at our will power,
Pampered princess of our father,
Soon we become grown-up daughter,
Yes!! We are called WOMEN...
Free as a bird we want to be,
Caged in the name of security,
Define the lines how we meant to be,
We have Ambitions touching the sky,
Yet we are not supposed to fly!
Yes! We are Called WOMEN...
Jokes you crack on us,
Torturous wives are the portrayed picture of us,
Leaving our sweet home,
With Blind Trust on 3 knots walk with you alone,
Yet will be Quiet listening to Tantrums!
Yes! We are Called WOMEN...
Love to be loved,
Want to be a Pampered Queen of the Husband,
We might be arrogant Lady at times,
And cry like a kid of course,
Stepped into the unknown world,
Learning to mingle with ur world,
Cant, you take one step
And bare my stubbornness showed,
Yet we hardly Complain!
Yes! We are called WOMEN...
We become the shoulder you lean,
We become the family backbone,
Holding our Physical pain,
We feel happy to see you smile,
Yet we go unnoticed,
Yes! We are called WOMEN...
Giving up physical beauties,
Accept the sweetness of motherhood scars,
Finances to Home management,
Kids to their future commitments,
We run like Clock that never Rest!
Yes! We are Called WOMEN...
No Need to praise US,
At least Don’t criticize US,
If we say equality,
It turns Womenism as termed by Society,
Truth to believe or not,
We live more than half of our life for our Counterpart,
We are Brave, Courageous, Stubborn, Selfless, etc..,
No words to exclaim,
Yes! We are Called WOMEN...