Kumar Archita

Abstract Drama Classics


Kumar Archita

Abstract Drama Classics

Last Letter Of Toxic

Last Letter Of Toxic

1 min

I'm all hurt,

Beyond the walls of skin deep inside it pains,

The heart is no more melancholic,

perhaps the pains tangled to my chest becomes unbearable sometimes,

I know you're unhappy for,

I heard you many times saying that you had a great loss in friendship and ignored every time,

But is it fair to take yourself for granted and

keep stabbing yourself with the dagger of false friendship.

Your sugar-coated voice blossomed a bud of hope and

made me feel like, "yes this is the person who always b

y my side" Maybe I'll be to handle all the things.

I never realised you fooled me till now and

trapped me hiding your true intentions,

And I let you root in my rhymeless verses

Bewitched by your ambrosial promises

And things you said too quietly,

Carved the haunted dreams of you,

Painted the sigh that sank me nevermore,

Burnt the pains on my face,

Tear the fear of truth and lies,

 And today I'm not alone,

I made a friend and internally strongest to the core.

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