Pravir Kumar Jha

Abstract Romance Others


Pravir Kumar Jha

Abstract Romance Others

In The Shadow Of Her Memories

In The Shadow Of Her Memories

2 mins

Hiding myself in the Shadow of her memories,

Under the dreams of her eyes twinkling like stars',

In the envelope of her beautiful heart,

Reuniting the memories of fading love.

Living with broken dreams lay all around,

Life has left her memories as its scars.

On a journey of her remembrance,

Walking blindly through the dark.

Her Echoes call me from the past,

Her voices seem so exciting,

They fill my an empty void of love,

Although it's only her memories which ignite love in my heart,

In a world of yesterdays love Life's lost all my reality.

For the memories were all that's left behind,

In the magnificence of the submerging sun,

I glanced upon her admiring her majesty of love.

Her image cast a shadow so serene.

My hea

rt began to flutter like a butterfly,

floating towards her memories,

Finally free from the chambers of my cocoon.

Like a silk scarf, scarlet petals wove a path,

Aromatising footsteps that led to her.

In twinkling twilight, I could see 

pieces of the moon illuminating her memories.

How could I forget how the reflection of her smile,

Inviting me to dive in her ocean of love.

Like nocturnal nightingales adrift in the night,

I hear voice feel like melodies not heard before.

Sensations felt from her soft satin skin

remain a euphoric timeless memory.

Seduced within the substance of soulful desires,

Her enchanted essence became my first poem -

The purity of her existence my eternal poetry.

Hiding myself in the Shadow of her memories.

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