Girl, Light and Headline
Girl, Light and Headline

When the moon tossed in sky
With starts sprinkled high,
I sat beside the netted door
Accompanied with tears in eyes
In urge to weep and sigh...
But dare a drop fell outside!
Those pearls out there,
And the king of the night
Convinced me— I'm a knight.
Bowing the eyes I tackled the floor
Where city light reflected the ghosts.
Some were talking, some were mocking,
Some were fighting, and none were stopping.
And yet the world is sleepy— walking!
Demons in the epics are way better
Than these 'night cannibals'...
Nature gave girls pain to bear,
And now even the world is adding to see
How strong females can be!
Social media flourish praising her
But she has to see time
Before stepping out in th
e real world.
Those reflections make her sigh,
Those people disable her to live a life...
Being a girl is never easy,
Soft hearted was Eve and hated was Lilith!
Even God made a mistake,
Then how can humans be perfect
In this world so perfect.
Yes, God is great
—Great people make greater mistakes,
Like John Hyatt!
Street light started to blink,
Ghosts were being dark and dim;
No soft aroma I smelled after this,
It was 9, the clock did insist ...
Heavy sounds and nose biting Deos
Began to explore the vacant roads.
My mother then called me
— to go in the room, it was time
To put off the lights,
Lock the windows and doors
And wait for next morning's