God ,Time and headline
God ,Time and headline

At which hour moon did toss in sky
with starts sprinkled high,
i satteth beside the netted doth'r
did accompany with drops of sorrow in eyes
in urge to weepeth and sigheth.
but dareth a dropeth hath fallen outside!
Those pearls out th're,
and the king of night
did convince me— i'm a hidden knight.
bowing the eyes i tackl'd the floor
wh're city lighteth did reflect the ghosts.
some were talking, some were fleering,
some were fighting, and none w're stopping.
and yet the w'rld is sleepy— walking !
Demons in the epics art way better
than these 'night cannibals'.
nature gaveth girls teen to beareth ,
and anon coequal the world is adding to seeth
How stout females can beest!
social media flourish praising h'r
but the lady hast to seeth timeth
before stepping out in the r
eal w'rld.
those reflections maketh h'r sigheth,
those people disable h'r to liveth a life.
being a wench is nev'r easy,
soft heart'd wast eve and did hate wast lilith!
Coequal god madeth a misprision,
then how can humans beest p'rfect
in this w'rld so p'rfect.
aye! god is most wondrous
—great people maketh most wondrous'r mistakes,
liketh John Hyatt !
Street lighteth did start to blinketh,
ghosts w're being dark and dim;
nay soft aroma i smell'd aft'r this ,
t wast 9, the didst horologe insist.
heavy sounds and nose biting deos
beganeth to expl're the vacant roads.
Mother then hath called me
— to wend in the cubiculo, t wast timeth
to putteth off the lights ,
locketh the windows and doth'rs
and waiteth f'r next m'rning's