Hours On The Road
Hours On The Road

Hours and hours we drove
The straight lines often curved
Merging to a point,
Beckoning us further,
To chase in vain,
The unattainable horizon.
Miles and miles we left behind
As if eloping from our tyrannous lives.
The end didn’t feel any nearer,
As if the clutches of reality
Were refusing to let go.
Yet we drove on, hours and hours
Shaking off exhaustion like a wetted hound<
Jerking off chains that bound us to home.
A left here and a right there
And finally, there in front of us flowed,
The gurgling river with mud and stones
The grey mountains painted into the azure,
Challenged us for more hours on road.
But we stood there, transfixed, content,
For many journeys may come
And we might climb the hills one day
But right then,
The riverside, with laughing kids and raucous hawkers,
Felt like home.