Ghost House
Ghost House

The curtains close. Suddenly.
Your voice, just a lost speck,
Within space and time,
Screams my name,
Again and again and again,
And again, until all I can do,
Is drown in the memories,
In locked up in the wooden box,
We bought from Manali when we,
First shared a room together.
The lint from your grey sweater,
Still lines the base of my carpet,
And my cupboard and my heart,
Like that stubborn blot of dried blood,
No amount of acid will ever remove,
From your pillow covers.
I've forever been terrified of needles,
So all I can do is hope I find another way,
To forget that you only live inside the most,
Coveted dreams I see on nights when consciousness forgives me.
Goldfish are said to stay alive for a decade,
But l
ily could not bear to live without you,
She cut her left fin with the palpable sadness,
The lack of your presence left behind.
They found me lying on the table top,
Holding the mug with our picture on it,
I still don't know how to make hot cocoa,
Exactly the way I like it.
You never needed the stool I got for,
Our kitchen, so I used one of its front leg,
To dig a time capsule in your weedy backyard.
I fall flat on my face whenever I try to reach the top shelf but at least your harmonica
is safe.
Unlike you, or like you, I can't seem to know,
Anymore, I see you everyday,
Every single day with your back towards me,
I scream your name again,
And again and again and again until all I,
Can do is drown.. until all I know how to do, is drown.