

1 min

You walked away

I cried

From a continent far

With shattering heart

You left for your biggest fight

I'm fighting mine

In a land unknown

With pain and despair

Shall I ever see you again?

With kids you fathered

You smile

Hiding the tears of pain

They giggle pinching your cheeks

Their smiles are your world

Like you are mine

From a continent far

My eyes sting

When you are in pain

My heart pounds

My eyes brim

Without you

The world'

s dull and grim

I pray your win

Your smile, your laugh

Your love for your children

And their proud mother

I wish you live forever

With happiness and glory

My tears strive

To see you back

To the old box


With a big smile

I want to know you more

My mind seeks

The color of your orbs

Or the meaning those inks hold

I could hear you

I could see you

You looked

But never saw

Through the old box

In my living room.

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