Poumita Paul



Poumita Paul


Lucifer and Lilith

Lucifer and Lilith

2 mins

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

The third day of Creation

After day parted the nights

Before the earth bore the greens

With earth and the sea

They grubbed me

With his craft I posed

His glow I shined

His eyes I dreamed

Amidst the pearls of Heaven

I sparked

Through the Chivalrous Morning Star

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

On the cloth of Venus

Lay the abode of love

Woods crecered, greens belled

Flowering the seeds and petals

Revere thy holy art

O great Lucifer!

‘Eden’ I spell

The beginning, the end

The bliss of time

O first lady!

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

Six seeds I sow this hour

The fruits of life

The dust crafts oblige

To strive the beginning

From the end

Fruit of ‘creare’

The first to cross

Recces the crafts

Of their self

Their exts we craft

The ints they must

By four next

Lay the fruit green

Love it preech

For dusts to beat

Two bends in left

Shines the purple ‘humere’

The shade of life

Worth the life

Sly to exist

Fruit of ‘cogn’

Would not lie far

Three leaps to dust

To limpid self

Souls to seek for eternity

A f

ive mahagonies

Shall fall the fruit ‘soverain’

A taste of whose

Crash the parochials

Oneself greater than one

By one for one

The five seeds

Would bear seeds

Of fullness in life

For the last reward

Hides in red

In four twitching hands

‘Plaisir’ it is

Dusts seek flesh

Devoir to exist

Comes to full

O cherry Lilith!

Thy Lucifer intrigue

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

O the great thinker

My heart on thy feet

May pluralities be by thou

For they seek dust in dust

To bathe their glory

With no fleshy exts

Thou may fall

What for me?

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

Written in cards

Five to pluck

For no craft with trase

May pluck the sixth

Creation sans length

Wouls churn the power

Earth rests in earth

Fleshes would spell

Aware, sensed, tensed

May spell me devil

Or thou demon of ill

But shall no craft

Be craft for long

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love

Lights bygone

Shall relish the nocturnal love

Morning star unseen

Creeping up the sea rocks

Shall kiss the beauty world lusts for

Shining bright thou will

With every ellipse

Back the venus cloud

Shall make love

With the king of darkness

Hail the spirit of pre-natural love!

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