Leslie Bush

Drama Action


Leslie Bush

Drama Action



2 mins

One big happy family, that's what I want;

To share the joy of spontaneity of meeting within,

One time, one place. I would term it a zone,

A neutral zone, with no room or need

For the intrusion of past sins or misdemeanours;

No clanging or clamouring ghosts of events past;

Words said in anger or stupidity, no recall of sleights -

Real or imagined. Our time on this mortal coil is too short,

Of indeterminable length. Let our strength lie in what we share,

Not that which rips us apart; in that of which we care,

Not tears from a broken heart. I am not defined by what I was,

In action or by the circumstance of birth: it is not my cross

To bear. You might see my face, "my goodness, you look like her".

From that, what can you assume? Try, nothing; save your conjecture.

You cannot see the wilderness I have wandered, from which I appear.

This is the moment, this is what we have; in this place, we have no fear.

The zone is open, the zone is free; enter or depart at will.

One big, happy family, that is what I want: be we linked by blood

Or common interest: a small matter of synchronicity; be still

Or not, it is your choice. Here you rest, away from the flood

Of distraction, demands on your soul; here we love rock'n'roll,

Or whichever your musical taste might be. Here we talk about sentences

Starting with "I", without retribution; our interests extoll;

Here we meet face to face; there are no pretences.

Family, we are; family, we meet; plenty of room, take a seat.

In the zone, you are not alone; please do turn off your phone.

Ponder a moment, wander and traverse a moment, incomplete

As it might be; it is sufficient, it is warm; it is in the zone.

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