Family Interest
Family Interest
Family interest
I have family interest first
And want to live with it up to last
I am committed to world with isolation
As I am for firm family relation
Mom had great care for me
And brought me up as free female
I did everything with her support
The relation I cared for and liked such sort
I have kept confined
But refined
To meet all challenges
But I take full care of her age
I had seen her closely
Working very hard to keep m
e happy
So I have taken vow
And may keep her in good mood now
I shall give some serious thought
If that comes outright
A person of my choice and liking
But that has never been striking
No room for any feeling
As I am still unwilling
I will think many times before entering
And show honesty in catering
For me, mom has special place
And I can’t have pleasure to chase
She may remain with me till last breathe
And I shall lead the life with full faith