Sadhana B

Classics Inspirational Others


Sadhana B

Classics Inspirational Others

End is not a Solution

End is not a Solution

1 min

 In our life, we face so many emotions, feelings, fears, struggles, fight

heart breaks, trust issues, pains, miseries, accidents, economical crises and so many sad things.

But don't remember them, for ever, just learn the lessons from those times .and move ahead.

You may feel ending up life is solution for your problems. Just remember once the struggle of your mother to bring you to this world.

Don't take away most precious thing from her it's only you.

You may be left by some one, but you know that pain so don't give that same pain to your loved ones.dont leave them.

Sadness is a chapter of life, it's not life..just turn that chapter and move on with your smile and fight back.

Victory is waiting for you.go for it....

Nothing is more precious than life but life itself is most precious....move on all days are yours.colour them with joy and happiness and make it colourful.

Don't make it pale with your sadness, worries, misseries

Small effort to say value of life on eve of world suicide prevention day.

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