Ritu Sama



Ritu Sama


Clutching My Keys

Clutching My Keys

1 min

The sheet covered him barely

Stretch did he

On the roadside, languidly

Under a scaffold, looking sturdy

Trellis it was to him

With stars peeking like tiny lamps

Into his night abode

Enveloped with torns and rags

Holes filled with dreams

Eyes full of hopes

Tiny thoughts of big abodes

A day not far off

Though years may pass

In drudgery and penury

But those will be lost soon

One day own would be a home

His hands holding its key

Despair not known

Failure not perceived

People of his, happy

Here I am too, a gentle onlooker

Next to the same road 

On the side but that is other

A parallel life of his

In the same world as me 

Where the heart of mine

Filled with compassion and sympathy

Walk I may, a few steps

Bridge the gap and their misery?

But, fear fills the soul

Not wanting to share

That is mine

The keys that I hold

The happiness that I hide

Disturbing it may be,

But it's safe and settling

Insulated on my side

Clutching to what I possess

Not parting with what I can give


Walking away wondering

Where's more scarcity

On the side that is his

Or the one that belongs to me....

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