C'est Abominable
C'est Abominable
Have you any idea
The effect you have on me?
When I see you
I freeze, bound by your
Entire being.
My heart skips a beat
My breathing rushed
You’re everywhere I go,
Every corner I turn
My eyes can’t seem to forget
You, your stare and that
Condescending stance.
You’ve changed me
From the naïf
To someone who has forgotten
What peace felt like.
You’ve taken over my senses
And watch in sheer bliss.
You enjoy this, don’t you?
You haunt my dreams
And I wish, every minute
Of every day; I plead to the stars
That you leave me
Leave like a balloon
Bought by an excited child
At a fair.
Leave without a trace
Like the ocean’s secrets.
And maybe then
I’d be happy
I’d feel safe alone
I’d be satisfied
But you, you made
Your home in mine
Because of you, I live
In constant unrest,
Not knowing when;
When it will happen
When you’ll strike.
I am on the brink
Of madness, wondering
Waiting for you,
Hoping you never show up
And each time
I think we’re through,
That you’ve gone
Far away and
Made another home,
I see you,
Staring and I,
I hate you
You disgusting lizard.