As we grow old.. the ones that were near and dear to us fade away from our hearts. And we probably h... As we grow old.. the ones that were near and dear to us fade away from our heart...
Have you forgotten me, my love The edges of my face, The curves of my body? Have you forgotten me, my love The edges of my face, The curves of my body...
My first prize in the competition, My first salary the note I had hidden. It was all getting bubble... My first prize in the competition, My first salary the note I had hidden. It wa...
When I was swinging in the swing During any festive seasons With my Lovable friends In my G... When I was swinging in the swing During any festive seasons With my Lovabl...
Just believe that in life, something is taken Just believe that in life, something is taken
My words come out as stutters I crumble under your glare But I try hard to keep up my façade Smil... My words come out as stutters I crumble under your glare But I try hard to kee...