What magic it weaves
Myriad characters it heaves
Between all the pages
Villains and heroes it cages.
Goblins and elves
Witches and wizards
Talking trees and walking fishes
Flying animals and disappearing men
In a fantasy land
All - in a book land.
Knights and princes
Ministers and priests
Swords and sabres
Towers and turrets
Balls and feasts
With unique flavour it treats.
They are not for all
Only for those with a special call
For a soul moved by a thirst
To savour all the other soul trysts.
As every word penned down
Is all that has ever happened.
And are yet to happen and wish to happen
All hopes and dreams
All hurts and hails
Those that are felt
Felt and expressed
Expected and suppressed
Said and understood
Voiced and misunderstood
All these and more
Takes form and flavour
And gets trapped in the book covers
When a reader discovers
With all fervour he holds
In his mind, each word he caresses
And brings anew all forms and flavours
To be felt and cherished
And all suppressed emotions be formed
As they were meant to be lived
With just a book
You traverse and travel the globe
And many a mind you probe
And liaise with the brainy
Tryst with the ambitious trainee
Deal with the devils
Cohort with the villains
Cry with the victims.
Kill and bring alive
Hurt and soothe
Laugh and cry
Active and remain inactive
Stay young and grow old
Sing and dance
Rejoice and condemn
Die and live
Over and over again
That keeps alive your mien.
What magic it weaves
A new world it creates!