My Name: A Mystery To Me
My Name: A Mystery To Me
A syllable sound births in a mind
To become one of its kind.
A fine tether, hath me bound
Most used and abused sound
I have never found!
It rolls easily through all teeth
With little or no emotion, but astoundingly lithe!
My mom’s sweet cooing
A delightful sighing
Breathed onto my ears often at times;
Love and security poured at bedtimes.
That was the first of many
From a heart so sweet as honey!
Bellowing and stern
When it is my dad’s turn
The way my name crush
Under his thundering bush (moustache).
I shiver and cower,
But still, appreciate his power!
Robust and vibrant at evening times, and
Shouted by my friends at times.
My name carries a carefree hue,
Which is my uncaring spirit’s due!
Out of concern when my granny nags
Loads of unsavory pressure it bags.
But when a conspirational sweetmeat accompanies it
With a wink, my grandpa and I cherish it!
A high pitched jealous note
Rings aloud when my neighbor plays it by rote!
When my teacher beckons me with authority,
I am stunned at how my name shrinks to brevity!
Thus rolls my name,
Which no day, month or year can tame!
By now, it has taken my height and weight;
Even my complexion sallow or bright!
Then ...
Youth’s vigor acts as a trigger
And chases all unpleasant sounds in a snicker.
span>Dreamy days and wakeful nights I relish:
Career and success, house and a partner–I hope to cherish!
My name through my lover’s lips
Is when my soul into bliss slips.
My name’s every letter and syllable
Hear my ears, with no trouble
And then I realize
A new facet to my name is possible!
Amidst chasing dreams and building a future
My name in this world’s mouth: a torture!
A shout or a whisper
At times with love, and
At times with menace, it gets crispier!
In the maelstrom of life and responsibilities
My name is stretched and shrunk in all probabilities!
I and my name rolled into one,
Gathering mass and stopping at none
Rolls along the life’s road;
Sometimes narrow, at times broad!
Anon comes to a bend,
Which will mark my end!
Even then, in people’s mind
My name will be battered, with none to mend!
Is it me or my name?
On what to place the blame?
For, all through the years I too set aflame
Many a names that by me came!
With me, it grew, and
Took shape and colour at times true!
When uttered with love
It fit me like a glove,
But with hatred and anger
It lost all its charm!
In the end,
My name: a mystery to me!
When it became me,
And I became it ...
Is for sure: a mystery to me!
By virtue of its mystery, it is a treasure to me!