Begin Again

Begin Again

1 min

A reason to smile,

To travel back in time,

Yes, you gave me a reason,

To last many more seasons,

That are about to come,

Let's bring again the sun!

You know why I mention it every time I write,

Because like the sun,

You make everything bright,

Be it my face,

When that day you said it had more glaze,

My life,

Which isn't any more a race,

Running away from you,

Because you're by my side,

And that reminds me of my smile,

For which you are the reason,

I always knew you are the one,

Who would love me like no one else can!


Holding my hand,

Running around this life,

Husband and wife,

Oh! that was just to rhyme,

It can't happen I know,

It's past time, for that now,

But desires don't die,

Do they?

I promise I won't let you go away,

Because our love is is like winters,

Where I am the leaf that shivers,

And you're my shroud,

There's one thing I am sure about,

Is the way we are together,

I wish it can last forever!

Waking up to you,

Sleeping by your side,

A pinch of love, and a handful of fights,

This life,

Oh, I love this life!

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