Ireena Sarangi

Abstract Children


Ireena Sarangi

Abstract Children

Baby Teeth (Little One 6/20)

Baby Teeth (Little One 6/20)

1 min

Teeny princess is waiting near the door,

 For her king, whom she adores.

The moment she sees his profile,

She welcomes him with a toothless smile.

They laugh and play like real buddy,

Making the whole house messy and muddy.

She shows her anger with a mighty bite,

But a toothless bite just pains a slight.

On a very lazy Sunday morning,

I left the bed but they continued snuggling.

All of a sudden I heard a screaming sound,

She was attacking him like a hound.

I shrugged off saying she's just a child,

He said she is no more so mild.

And there I saw two teeth mark,

Made on him by a little shark.

I knew it would be very hard,

But those are perks of being a dad.

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