I don’t know how to start and it's uncomfortable to have no words being a writer. But I would just like to know, “ARE YOU OKAY?”. Are you doing fine, not in studies, not in life, are you doing fine in that mind of yours?
I am not,
Let’s speak up guys,
Let’s tell the world,
What being depressed feel like.
No, I don’t cry all day long,
But there is not a single night I didn’t weep till midnight.
Yes, I have a dozen faces I know,
But none knows which face is really me.
Yes, I have people I call friends,
But none deserve the friendship I give.
That is what I think.
And then there is me,
Locked in the dark alley,
How can be someone locked in the open you ask?
Trust me being depressed feels just like that.
People ask me, “are you okay?”,
And I know it's just a formality.
Because when it comes to showing the care,
They back off and vanish in thin air.
They treat me like no one,
Because I am emotional as hell.
But listen my dear,
Don’t regret loving less,
When you mourn over my corpse so dead.
You want me to listen to you,
You want me to find stuff
for you,
You want me to not fight,
And you want me to surrender to your cries.
But what about me,
Who is surrendering to all this negativity?
My thoughts won’t leave me,
Till I do a cut or two.
And I am scared,
What if the cuts get bigger too?
I don’t know how to speak,
Without a tear in my eyes,
And you called me attention seeker,
And shutting my mouth forever is what you tried.
Who do you think you are?
To pretend to know me well,
Yes, I am depressed as hell.
Yes, I smile,
Yes, I talk about life,
Yes, I give the vibe of a happy soul,
But be in my shoes for a day and you will know.
You never cared enough,
To let me live.
All you want is a topic to get hyped,
To make videos of love and care,
And after a month it’s all gone,
The depressed are made to fall,
And apologise for being the group’s dark side.
But trust me,
One day you will also realise,
Why depressed people prefer to stay quiet.
Sorry, my friend,
Let’s just mute ourselves,
Or they will hype us too,
To just get views on the net.